Sunday, October 21, 2007

OK You guys have truly inspired me

to keep on with the Cables and Os sweater! Here's where I was as of Friday night:
Last night, while out and waiting for a concert to begin, I started the second sleeve and continued to work on it during down times at church this a.m. - I WILL get this thing done. I'm going to do some sort of striped edging band/collar combo thing - I know I'm supposed to use the "Os" for buttonholes on one side, but it's just that eentsy weentsy bit small and an extra couple of inches will be just the ticket to the ease I needs! OK women (and men, sorry!) I'm goin' in....... If I'm not back in two weeks, send a search party (or any kind - I like parties)......


Kristina B said...

Still looking good!

FuguesStateKnits said...

Bless you - still plugging away!